
Why join GIRLS CLUB?


My daughter is 14 years old; she has never had a friend before… This is the first time. I cried all the way home.

My daughter has behaviours. We felt so self-conscious everywhere we went, so we stopped going out. We became very isolated. GIRLS CLUB changed that… It’s been a game-changer for our family.

My daughter asks to go to GIRLS CLUB every day.  I have to tell her it’s not on today, and we have to go to school. Ha!



GIRLS CLUB has been very beneficial for my twin daughters.

They have met other girls their age and have been able to enjoy activities they would not otherwise been able to participate in. They look forward to the events.

A big thanks to all the sponsors... it’s much appreciated.


I appreciate greatly what GIRLS CLUB has done for our daughter in allowing her to be with other children who have disadvantages with their health.  She always looks forward to the events and particularly the craft events!  It is an added bonus when her siblings are allowed to accompany her to the events.  Thanks for all your hard work!


Volunteer Extraordinaire: Kayleigh

Volunteer Extraordinaire: Kayleigh


My name is Kayleigh and I have been volunteering with the Okanagan chapter of GIRLS CLUB since its inception.

I have been to just about every GC event that has been held and cannot say enough good things about it. The girls truly light up when they see what we have planned for them, and honestly, I always have a ton of fun with activities and experiences I wouldn’t otherwise be a part of.

It’s so wonderful every month to see the girls connecting and making friends in an environment where they can truly be themselves and where there is no judgement, and it makes me so happy to see the group doing exactly what it was created for. After spending so much time volunteering with GIRLS CLUB and watching it grow into what it is today I am so proud to be a part of this group and can’t wait to see how far we can take it!! 
- KB